Confidence in Love™

Discover my signature framework and see why this approach will finally work for you in creating the love life you want.


Confidence in Love™

Discover my signature framework and see why this approach will finally work for you in creating the love life you want.


You’ve tried everything to attract and keep the relationship you desire, but still feel like nothing is working.

You're in the right place

I See You!

You're tired of being single and the endless cycle of swiping on dating apps.
You've come to the realization that your love life has been your last priority but now you’re not meeting the caliber of men you want to be in a relationship with. 

You've been on a few really great dates and think you have a good connection... when suddenly he stops texting and calling.

You meet men easy, but meeting Emotionally Available Men who you are interested seem impossible. 

Your married friends and relatives think "you're such a  great catch" that they can't understand why you're single.


Maybe you’re starting to lose confidence in believing that a special relationship can happen for you.

You’ve tried everything to attract and keep the relationship you desire, but it still feels like nothing is working.

You're in the right place

I See You!

In every other area of your life, you’re on your game. You’re a confident, self-aware woman with so much to offer, and you can’t figure out why your life love is not working.

You're tired of being single and the endless cycle of swiping on dating apps.
You've come to the realization that your love life has been your last priority and now you’re not meeting the caliber of men you want to be in a relationship with. 

You've gone on a few really great dates and thought you had a good connection... when suddenly he stopped texting and calling.

You meet men easy, but meeting Emotionally Available Men who you are interested seem impossible. 

Your married friends and relatives act like something is wrong with you because they think “you’re such a great catch” and can't understand why you're single.

Maybe you’re starting to lose confidence in believing that a special relationship can happen for you.


As a dating & love coach with 20 years of counselling and coaching experience, I’ve helped hundreds of women embrace their feminine side, find confidence, happiness, and—yes—even lasting love. 

I’ve accomplished it all through my signature framework.

Confidence in Love™ 

Being confident in love is the knowing and belief in yourself that you have the ability to attract and maintain a loving relationship by intentionally cultivating the elements of lasting love within yourself. 

Here is what you'll learn:

Create simple mindset shifts to reprogram your limiting beliefs and help you become confident in love.

Identify unconscious triggers and traumas that lead you to the types of men and relationships that never seem to work out.

Identify, release and heal self-sabotaging patterns and limiting beliefs from your past relationships so they never again impact your present or future relationships.

Boost your self-love and confidence, enabling you to attract healthy, stable, commitment-ready men.


pillar 1

Understand the psychology of men to create powerful chemistry and attraction that leads men to pursue you.

Awaken your sensuality, boost your feminine appeal, and increase your self-esteem so you feel comfortable in your body. 

Start trusting your intuition so you can stop over-analyzing your thoughts and actions and let go of feeling anxious or uncertain. 

Transform the relationship you have with yourself and have the confidence to become your most authentic, irresistible self without compromising your desires.


pillar 2

Gain a deeper understanding of yourself so you feel empowered in your choices and actions

Identify your needs, non-negotiables, values, and desires to confidently express what you want and easily filter out incompatible partners.

Uncover, release and heal self-sabotaging patterns and limiting beliefs from your past relationships so they never again impact your present or future relationships. 

Be unapologetically yourself while attracting better men, having better dates, and forming better relationships without compromising your desires.


pillar 3

Learn how to feel emotionally secure and comfortable to fully express yourself thats lead to man opening up and being vulnerable with you. 

Decode the male mind, understand how men perceive commitment, communicate and pursue women. 

Uncover the secrets to create chemistry and desire both on and offline. Have men be mesmerized by your energy. 

Discover the different stages in a man's life that impacts his romantic relationships and pinpoint the four types of men that will help you in selecting a compatible partner 


pillar 4

What we work on together isn’t simply getting you out there and dating (even though we DO that). 

It's also an invitation to reclaim the parts of yourself that you may have lost or become disconnected with over time. It involves embarking on a personalized journey of inner healing and cultivating a deeper relationship with yourself. 

Through this transformative process, you will uncover what’s important to you—your values, relationship goals, and aspirations—empowering you, so you can make choices with a strong sense of self-awareness and confidence leading you to establish the relationship you want.

Confidence in Love™

What we work on together isn’t simply getting you out there and dating (even though we DO that). 

It's also an invitation to reclaim the parts of yourself that you may have lost or become disconnected with over time. It involves embarking on a personalized journey of inner healing and cultivating a deeper relationship with yourself. 

Through this transformative process, you will uncover what’s important to you—your values, relationship goals, and aspirations—empowering you, so you can make choices with a strong sense of self-awareness and confidence leading you to establish the relationship you want.

"Nicole taught me to love myself most and know my worth"



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I got recommended to Nicole by a friend. I was in an all time love low. I booked 1:1 session with Nicole and I was hooked. She taught me to love myself most. Know my worth, love a man that shows up, no game playing and best of all she taught me to let go. Let go of past relationships, heartbreak and thinking I wasn't enough. I took this into my next serious relationship and now I'm married. Thank you Nicole your time and advice.



"Nicole taught me strategies to feel more confident in dealing challenging situations."



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Nicole helped me recognize the untrue conscious and unconscious stories I was telling myself that were causing me grief and remaining stuck. She taught me strategies to overcome my limiting beliefs and to feel more confident in dealing with challenging situations. I'm able to identify how I feel and what I need both from myself and others. This has helped me disregard the chatter and be more focused more on what matters to me.



"I  feeling more confident and hopeful for my future relationships"



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"It might be a difficult thing to admit that you are looking for some help with your relationships, but this course is really about so much more than that. It is about you and learning more about yourself. Through doing the work, you are evolving into a more knowledgeable space about you which can help you with all your other relationships, though of course, the focus is on a romantic relationship.
Nicole is a master at helping you navigate what is holding you back (or the world from approaching you) and working through that."



"Nicole taught me to love myself most and know my worth"



I got recommended to Nicole by a friend. I was in an all time love low. I booked 1:1 session with Nicole and I was hooked. She taught me to love myself most. Know my worth, love a man that shows up, no game playing and best of all she taught me to let go. Let go of past relationships, heartbreak and thinking I wasn't enough. I took this into my next serious relationship and now I'm married. Thank you Nicole your time and advice.



"Nicole taught me strategies to feel more confident in dealing challenging situations."

Nicole helped me recognize the untrue conscious and unconscious stories I was telling myself that were causing me grief and remaining stuck. She taught me strategies to overcome my limiting beliefs and to feel more confident in dealing with challenging situations. I'm able to identify how I feel and what I need both from myself and others. This has helped me disregard the chatter and be more focused more on what matters to me.



"I  feeling more confident and hopeful for my future relationships"

"It might be a difficult thing to admit that you are looking for some help with your relationships, but this course is really about so much more than that. It is about you and learning more about yourself. Through doing the work, you are evolving into a more knowledgeable space about you which can help you with all your other relationships, though of course, the focus is on a romantic relationship.

Nicole is a master at helping you navigate what is holding you back (or the world from approaching you) and working through that. Whatever your relationship history and where ever you want it to be, this is the place to start you on that journey. "



"Able to reflect on my past patterns and behaviours and apply Nicole's tried-and-true advice."

Quite honestly wasn't expecting much from the program. I mean absolutely NO offence to Nicole, because I didn't know her or of her at all! I was totally wrong! It is absolutely worth your time. And it absolutely was worth my time and more. I've been able to reflect on my past patterns and behaviours and apply Nicole's tried-and-true advice to my current dating scene. And it's working. I'm more open to chance interactions with men "in the wild", I'm less willing to compromise myself to please a man, I feel better able to navigate the dating-to-relationship stage and I'm just more in the moment and enjoying it. So, thank you Nicole!

Experience the Confidence in Love program through:

  • Private 1-1 Coaching 
  • Small Group of 5 Women
  • Private 1-1 Coaching 
  • Small Group of 5 Women

Experience the Confidence in Love Program through:  

It’s totally up to you.

Yes, I want a dating coach

It may even feel straight-up uncomfortable and, well, out there to ask for help in your love life. But it doesn't mean there's something wrong with you. 

I know you're ready for a totally new approach to dating, love, and relationships that’s completely different from how you’ve ever dated before now and to feel confident in love again. 

Hiring a dating coach or being part of small group  can feel like a big step, especially if  you’ve never done this before.

But, I get it. 

"She taught me how to take responsibility, love and approve of myself"

"I have discovered so much about my roadblocks and what has shaped my dating life"

"What she teaches allows us as women to stay empowered because its all with integrity "

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"She helped me see and believe that I am capable of loving again"

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"Working with Nicole was one of the best decisions I've ever made. She taught me how to take responsibility, love and approve of myself, embrace feminine energy, slash any fears and go about dating in a more intentional, aligned and playful way. Needless to say, it has paid off. I’ve met my finance within six months of working with Nicole. Thank you!"

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"Absolutely rocking workshops! Even for women in relationships because there's so much Nicole touches on that can help you keep your current relationship HOT! It’s all VERY practical! More than anything though, what she teaches allows us as women to stay empowered because its all with integrity (something that is hard to find). I highly recommend it!”

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"I have learned what I have been doing wrong in relationships. I have discovered so much about my roadblocks and what has shaped my dating life. Nicole, you have changed my life! Thank you!!"

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Nicole helped me realized my self-worth. Through her caring nature and motivating coaching, she helped me create a new story of my past. She helped me see and believe that I am capable of loving again, that I am deserving off all that my heart desires and wants in a relationship, and that I am worth it!  I am now attracting more of the men that I need and want in my life.

Nicole's approach is very meaningful; she is understanding and makes you feel so up-lifted after having sessions with her.


1-1 Coaching


Individualized coaching sessions are tailored to help you at the unconscious level embody new beliefs, habits and practices that will guide your interaction so you can be on the path to a healthy, fulfilling, passionate relationship. It’s like having your own “wing woman” in your back pocket. 

Access to online training videos, meditations, guided visualizations, PDF workbooks, customized exercises and resources.

Yes Tell me  more


Group Coaching


Group coaching calls alongside like-minded women on the same journey you’re on. The power of being a part of a community who understands what you are experiencing and supports you each step of the way is an incredible feeling. Navigating the dating scene can be lonely and isolating, but it doesn’t have to be that way.   

Access to the online training videos, meditations, visualizations, PDF workbooks and exclusive Facebook group

Yes Tell me  more

"I now shift my thinking to be sync with what I want"

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"I was able to understand where I was 'stuck"

"She taught me how to take responsibility, love and approve of myself."

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"Nicole changed my perspective on dating and relationships"

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After working with Nicole as my relationship coach, I would hear her voice in my head telling me “why are you putting yourself down? You know, that way of thinking will impact the quality of men you attract” and then in the moment I would shift my thinking immediately to be more in sync with what I wanted to attract which was the very best man for me! Nicole asked me powerful thought provoking questions that got me to think deeply about what I really wanted in love and life. Thank you Nicole!

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Working with Nicole was one of the best decisions I've ever made. She taught me how to take responsibility, love and approve of myself, embrace feminine energy, slash any fears and go about dating in a more intentional, aligned and playful way. Needless to say, it has paid off. I’ve met my finance within six months of working with Nicole. Thank you!

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“I really enjoyed my relationship coaching work with Nicole, as she is very calm and grounded. I felt I could immediately connect with her warm, non-judgmental energy which allowed me to open up and speak like I would with my best friend - of course with Nicole, I received all the insights on how the female and male brain work in relationships (very different at times!) and how I was showing up at the time. Nicole helped me navigate through a new relationship I started at the time. The core of my work with her - and my ultimate 'breakthrough' - was that I had to dig deeper into the roots of my problem which are unhealed trauma and deep beliefs; these made me show up as my 'inner child' rather than a mature, confident woman (which I am in other fields of my life :) Through our sessions, we uncovered many layers and I was able to understand where I was 'stuck' and what techniques I would need to heal my blocks and be able to shift on a deeper level and be open to a connected, intimate relationship with a man.   

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When I first met Nicole, I was confused and frustrated with dating. I couldn’t understand why my date prospects were so minimal and it felt like dating was a horrible experience to go through rather than the fun and hopeful experience it had been in the past. I had written a list of the type of man that would be my dream. Four weeks into the program I met him and we have the most fulfilling relationship I have ever had.

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Success Stories


1-1 Coaching


Individualized coaching sessions are tailored to help you at the unconscious level embody new beliefs, habits and practices that will guide your interaction so you can be on the path to a healthy, fulfilling, passionate relationship. It’s like having your own “wing woman” in your back pocket. 

Access to online training videos, meditations, guided visualizations, PDF workbooks, customized exercises and resources.

Yes Tell me  more


Group Coaching

Group coaching calls alongside 5 other like-minded women on the same journey you’re on. The power of being a part of a community who understands what you are experiencing and supports you each step of the way is an incredible feeling. Navigating the dating scene can be lonely and isolating, but it doesn’t have to be that way.   

Access to the online training videos, meditations, visualizations, PDF workbooks and exclusive Facebook group


Yes, Tell Me more        

Here's the great news—your confidence in love and in yourself can be developed and strengthened. 

By changing the way you think about love and what kind of love is possible for you, you can increase your confidence and attract a healthy relationship.

I’m here to fully support you, to help you trust yourself, open new doors, and be ready to meet a high-calibre person. Let’s do the inner work, together.

Still have questions...book a call 

Here's the great news—your confidence in love and in yourself can be developed and strengthened. 

By changing the way you think about love and what kind of love is possible for you, you can increase your confidence and attract a healthy relationship.

I’m here to fully support you, to help you trust yourself, open new doors, and be ready to meet a high-calibre person. Let’s do the inner work, together.

Still have questions...book a call 

"You are so great and all the info you are providing is fantastic."

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"Nicole's positive energy ignited me and started my journey back to finding myself."

"She helped me see and believe that I am capable of loving again" 

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"I have discovered so much about my roadblocks and what has shaped my dating life"

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Thank you Nicole for the awesome program that just finished last night! You are so great and all the info you are providing is fantastic. Really makes me change my thought and approach to surviving the ever so difficult but what fun too dating world!!!. Thanks so much and highly suggest for anybody who hasn’t taken part in any of Nicole’s workshops or programs to do so!!

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Nicole helped me realized my self-worth. Through her caring nature and motivating coaching, she helped me create a new story of my past. She helped me see and believe that I am capable of loving again, that I am deserving off all that my heart desires and wants in a relationship, and that I am worth it!  I am now attracting more of the men that I need and want in my life.

Nicole's approach is very meaningful; she is understanding and makes you feel so up-lifted after having sessions with her.

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A year after my break up, I was still having difficulty moving on. I had a lot of negative energy stuck in my head. I knew I had to make a bold move to get my life on track again. Nicole's positive energy ignited me and started my journey back to finding myself. 

Nicole is so easy to talk to; just like talking to your best friend or sister. I felt very at ease. She asked those probing questions to get beyond the surface feelings. I actually had "homework" that engaged my mind and had me focus on what really mattered. I loved that! I'm still a work in progress but Nicole has lead me out of my dark place and has helped me to see the value of being my true self.

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I have learned what I have been doing wrong in relationships. I have discovered so much about my roadblocks and what has shaped my dating life. Nicole, you have changed my life! Thank you!!

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This could be you