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Know How to Respond When He’s Unsure, Confusing, or Pulling Away 

The #1 mistake most women make (and what to do instead!)

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 I'm Nicole - I’ve helped hundreds of successful, driven women, just like you, navigate through their personal relationships with themselves, as well as their romantic partnerships, to attract and keep lasting love.

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Do you find it hard to deal with all the emotions of dating? And find yourself not expressing what you really feel?

When you’re on a date or thinking back to moments with previous boyfriends, have you ever caught yourself downplaying your feelings? Maybe you felt hurt, disappointed, or even joyfully excited—but instead of expressing it, you swallowed it down or brushed it off.

Does this sound familiar?

As women, we’re often taught to put our feelings in a neat little box with a bow on top. The messages come early and often: “Don’t cry in public.” “Stop overreacting.” “Why are you being so sensitive?”

Maybe you’ve heard things like:

  • “You’re making this a bigger deal than it is.” (And then you wonder, Am I?)
  • “You’re too emotional.” (So you try to be less “emotional” next time.)
  • “Guys don’t like drama.” (And suddenly, expressing your needs feels risky.)

We internalize this stuff, don’t we? We start to believe our emotions are something to be ashamed of.

Dealing with the emotions of dating:

  • You’re on a date, and he says something that rubs you the wrong way. Maybe he makes a joke at your expense. Instead of saying, “That actually stung a little,” you laugh it off and tell yourself it’s no big deal.
  • You’re feeling super excited about a budding relationship and want to share how happy you feel. But instead, you dial it back to appear “chill” and say something casual like, “Yeah, I think we’re having fun.”
  • You’re upset because he forgot an important date or didn’t follow through on something meaningful to you. But instead of saying, “Hey, I feel hurt because I was really looking forward to this,” you shrug and tell him, “It’s fine.”

All of these moments add up. Each time you turn down the volume on your emotions, you’re unintentionally telling yourself: My feelings don’t matter.

And let’s be real—those bottled-up emotions don’t just disappear. Eventually, they come out, often in ways or moments that leave us feeling frustrated or misunderstood.

But here’s the truth: Your emotions are NOT a problem. They are not “too much.” They are not something you need to fix, hide, or apologize for.

In fact, when you allow yourself to fully feel and express your emotions, you become magnetic.

A healthy, emotionally intelligent man will see that as a strength, not a weakness.

Think about it: If a man can’t handle your feelings—the big, beautiful, messy, passionate ones—do you really want him?

Try this:

  • You’re on a date, and you let yourself light up with joy as you talk about something that excites you. Maybe it’s that art class you’ve been taking or the road trip you’re planning. You don’t hold back; you just glow.
  • You’re with a guy you’re dating, and he says or does something thoughtless. Instead of bottling it up, you say calmly, “When that happened, it made me feel overlooked, and I’d love for us to communicate better about these things.”
  • You’re in a relationship, and you’re feeling overwhelmed by work. Instead of toughing it out and pretending everything’s fine, you let him know: “I’m feeling a little fragile today—can we have a quiet night in together?”

Do you see how powerful that is?

This week, I want you to try something:

  • Notice your feelings in the moment. Take a pause and ask yourself: What am I feeling? Where do I feel it in my body?
  • Give yourself permission to express it. This doesn’t mean a dramatic outburst; it’s about being honest and vulnerable. Start small if it feels uncomfortable.
  • Visualize how you’d handle a real-life situation. Picture the next time you’re on a date or with someone you care about. How would you communicate your feelings in a way that’s true to YOU?

Your emotions are a gift. They’re part of your feminine power. Don’t dim your light to make someone else comfortable.

So, what’s one emotion you’ve been downplaying or avoiding lately?

How could you start honoring that feeling today?

You don’t have to figure this all out on your own. If you’re ready to break free from old patterns, show up as your true self, and attract the kind of relationship you’ve been dreaming about, I’m here to help.

Let’s chat!

This is your chance to gain clarity, feel supported, and take the first step toward the love you know you deserve.

Click HERE to schedule your call now:

Don’t wait—your dream relationship starts with YOU.

You may like these other blog posts: Being Yourself While Dating, Building a Deeper Connection with a Man, or Getting Attached Too Soon.

Dealing with Emotions of Dating

Jan 31, 2025




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 I'm Nicole - I’ve helped hundreds of successful, driven women, just like you, navigate through their personal relationships with themselves, as well as their romantic partnerships, to attract and keep lasting love.

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  • Why men say, "I don’t know what I want"—and what it really means
  • Exact scripts & responses to handle his uncertainty with confidence
  • The #1 mistake most women make (and what to do instead!)
  • How to know when to wait, and when to walk away—for good

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How to Respond When He’s Unsure, Confusing, or Pulling Away –
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    • Why men say, "I don’t know what I want"—and what it really means
    • How to know when to wait, and when to walk away—for good
    • Exact scripts & responses to handle his uncertainty with confidence
    • The #1 mistake most women make (and what to do instead!

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