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"I just don't understand men!" - I have heard this from a LOT of women. Take the guesswork out of understanding men with this free guide today. 

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 I'm Nicole - I’ve helped hundreds of successful, driven women, just like you, navigate through their personal relationships with themselves, as well as their romantic partnerships, to attract and keep lasting love.

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When it comes to dating and relationships, a key aspect many of us tend to overlook – is communication. Excellent communication with men is the cornerstone of any relationship.

This has been profoundly true in my personal love life. There have been many instances in my relationship where breakdowns in communication have led to ruptures that felt irreparable.

Proper communication is especially important when it comes to having a healthy, satisfying relationship. And you can’t have that without making sure your needs are met.

… Which is why the first step is understanding what emotional support you are looking for in a man.

If you’ve been feeling unsatisfied in your dating experiences or relationship, it’s likely not the first time you’ve felt this way.

It’s mostly likely a pattern that keeps repeating itself.

The need/desire for reassurance goes beyond romantic relationships and affects all your connections.

Does this hit home with you? It definitely did for me.

To break free from this cycle and bring yourself closer to the man you’re dating or in a relationship with, you need to apply effective communication strategies that support a healthy partnership.

Yep, that means you need to share your feelings fearlessly without playing games that push him away.

To steer clear of feeling disconnected and isolated, it’s crucial to grasp how to express yourself in a manner that nurtures understanding and connection.

Tips for improving communication with men:

-Prioritize authenticity by expressing your thoughts and feelings genuinely. I promise this is so attractive to men.

Instead of saying: “You never understand how I feel
Try: “I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, and it would mean a lot to me if we could talk about it. Can we set aside some time for that?”

Instead of saying: “You never tell me what’s on your mind.”
Try: “I love when we have open conversations. Is there anything on your mind that you’d like to share with me?”

Instead of saying: “You never listen to me.”
Try: “I really need someone to talk to right now. Can you please take a moment to listen and share your thoughts?”

Instead of saying: “You’re always invading my space.”
Try: “I value my alone time, and it helps me recharge. Can we discuss how we can respect each other’s need for personal space?”

-Actively listen, choose the right moment when you need to talk (AKA not when he’s watching the game!) and appeal to his male mind by engaging in more solution-oriented talks.

-Practice mindful communication and always express your appreciation for the positive aspects of your relationship.

-Set healthy boundaries and never stop working on your emotional intelligence.

What else can you do?

If you’ve given these tips a try and are still struggling to communicate with men, you need my signature program, Confident in Love™. It’s designed to help you drop any baggage (hey, we all have it) and empower you in life and love.

In this program, I’ve dedicated a portion of it to help you steer clear of common communication mistakes that often cause men to withdraw and feel “scared off.”

So if you’ve ever asked questions like, “How do you feel about me?” or “Where’s this going?” and felt resistance, it’s time to make a change.

Discover the keys to communication that go beyond the casual and uncertain exchanges, paving the way for a deeply connected and committed relationship.

Learn how to make him feel that you are the one he should be deeply committed to.

Ready to transform your communication and build a lasting connection? Check out the framework in my signature program now: Confident in Love™ ​

Here’s to open communication with men, and thriving relationships!

Improve your Communication with Men

Mar 24, 2024




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 I'm Nicole - I’ve helped hundreds of successful, driven women, just like you, navigate through their personal relationships with themselves, as well as their romantic partnerships, to attract and keep lasting love.

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