In this day and age of dating, one of the biggest questions that seems to arise is how to get a man to commit. Many of my clients feel stuck in a pattern of dating men who don’t want a committed relationship but I want you to know that you are not alone and you deserve a high-value guy who wants the same things you do in a relationship. It’s important not to second-guess your worth or question everything you know about men just because you haven’t found the right one yet.
So why is it that so many women these days end up wasting their precious time on non-committal men? Well, the truth is that some men will stay with a woman simply because they haven’t found anyone better, so in this scenario, she is simply filling the spot until someone else comes along. Someone he would want to commit to. While you could be envisioning a long-term bright future with this guy, he knows his level of commitment is limited and is okay with that. But guess what? You AREN’T!
How to get a man to commit – a few things to consider:
Are you firmly set on your needs, values, and boundaries (non-negotiables)?
When your non-negotiables are not clarified, it is very easy to get stuck in a mismatched relationship. Needs are your “must-haves” without which a healthy relationship is not possible. Values are a set of standards that reflect your true essence and gives your relationship a higher meaning. Finally, boundaries tell your partner how much you are willing to give and compromise on. A woman who is firmly set on her needs, values, and boundaries is a confident woman.
Do you find yourself over-functioning when dating or in a relationship?
Every woman has amazing strength within her that can be used to create a deep connection with the man she is dating. However, every so often her inner critical voice (which I call the inner bitch) will start judging her as unworthy or not good enough. This may cause her to unconsciously go into over-functioning. This unique style of over-functioning in romantic relationships is called a Love Saboteur. The paradox here is that your love sabotaging patterns intend to keep you safe and secure, while in actuality, they are quite negative and counter-productive for a relationship. Take the quiz to know your love personality type of how you over-function in love
Are you tapping into your feminine energy enough?
Feminine energy is the receiving energy. Men love to do stuff for and commit to women who are feminine. Some women can be very smart and loving and yet they emanate the masculine vibe. For example, they are anxious, second-guess themselves, or don’t put their needs first.
By getting in alignment with your Feminine Self– someone who embodies her love personality without the need to over-function, you can access positive emotions. These emotions may be curiosity, creativity, empathy, trust, or clarity. Staying fully connected to your feminine self will have a colossal impact on your confidence. This is the sexiest trait a woman can possess! Download my free Irresistible Women’s guide to help you reclaim that irresistible Feminine energy.
By answering these questions honestly, you can gain clarity about your approach to dating and how you can better align your actions and thoughts with your authentic self. You could already be working on bettering yourself in some or all of these areas, and if so, I admire your diligence. Once you start working on these things, you won’t have to be wondering how to get a man to commit to you. You will already be attracting men better suited for you!
At the end of the day, every woman deserves a man who is right for her. Don’t settle for anything less than that. You’re worth it!
How to get a man to commit to you
Jun 2, 2023
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