I’m sure you’ve heard that it’s important to be vulnerable in a relationship. Maybe you thought hell no, that is not for me! You are not alone in attempting to avoid being vulnerable. But I know there will come a point where you need to share your thoughts and feelings. And it can feel super uncomfortable. I totally get it! It’s natural to feel a mix of excitement and nervousness about bringing up the topic of feelings.
Maybe you’ve been dating someone for a few months, and you’re not entirely sure where things are headed. Or that you want more of an emotional connection with him and not sure if that’s what he wants too.
I had a client reach out recently who wasn’t sure how to bring up that she wanted more in the relationship. She wanted to move it into being exclusive without pushing him away or rocking the boat of a good thing.
Here’s the voice message I sent to her. It offered some ideas on how to share her feelings in a way that would draw him closer to her but also stay true to what was important to her. I gave her examples of what she could say or do if he responded a certain. Take a listen and let me know if you also found this voice message helpful.
I’m happy to report that my client took the courage and spoke up. His response was better then she had hoped for.
I’m scared to be vulnerable!
By avoiding being vulnerable and sharing your deeper feelings you will unconsciously create stories or assumptions of the situation or how the other person feels. But when you speak up, you’ll gain clarity and insight. This can help you form a genuine connection with the person you’re dating. It also allows you to stay true to your own needs and wants. On the other hand, pretending everything is ok when you know deep down it’s not will only leave you feeling discouraged and resentful.
Does speaking up or sharing your feelings makes you want to run for the hills or avoid the situation and hope it will naturally work itself out? Then I highly recommend booking a call with me so you can discover how to be more vulnerable. It’s important to express your needs and wants and have the relationship you actually desire.
You might find a few of my other blog posts interesting too, including: How to Get a Man to Commit to You and How to Break Relationship Patterns.
How To Be Vulnerable in a Relationship
Jun 8, 2023
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