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 I'm Nicole - I’ve helped hundreds of successful, driven women, just like you, navigate through their personal relationships with themselves, as well as their romantic partnerships, to attract and keep lasting love.

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When most people hear the word “dating,” they typically envision two people getting to know each other in a romantic context. However, what about the benefits of taking yourself out on a date? You know, solo dating…spending time alone doing things you enjoy. Have you done this before?

I know what you might be thinking, “But Nicole, isn’t dating supposed to be about finding a partner?” Well, yes and no. Sure, traditional dating is about getting to know someone romantically and is usually seen as a means to an end. But solo dating is about getting to know yourself, which is just as important, if not more so!

Think about it: when was the last time you took yourself out on a date? Maybe it’s been a while, or maybe you’ve never done it before. But I’m here to tell you, it’s a game-changer.

First of all, solo dating allows you to indulge in your interests without the pressure of impressing someone else. It’s about discovering what you enjoy, building independence, and practicing self-care. It’s about developing a positive relationship with yourself and realizing that you are worth investing time and energy into.

Maybe you’ve always wanted to try rock climbing but never had the chance. Or perhaps you’ve been curious about pottery but never took the leap. Solo dating gives you the opportunity to try new things without having to wait for someone to do it with.

Now, I know that the idea of solo dating might sound a bit intimidating or even weird, but hear me out. There are so many benefits to solo dating that can help you build self-confidence and feel more empowered in your life.

Have you done this before...?

Solo dating helps you build independence.

When you’re used to relying on others for entertainment and enjoyment, it’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling like you need someone else to be happy. But when you take control of your own happiness, you become more self-sufficient and confident in your abilities. So many women come to me realizing that they’ve been putting their life on hold until they meet that special person and have missed out on living the life that makes them happy.

Solo dating is learning to love your own company.

Many people fear being alone, but solo dating can help you learn to enjoy your own company. When you’re comfortable spending time alone, you’re less likely to settle for unhealthy relationships out of fear of being alone. Instead, you’ll be able to enjoy your own company and wait for a partner who truly adds value to your life. You’ll also be comfortable continuing to do the things that you enjoy, even if your partner is not up for joining you. Click here for some tips on other ways to optimize your self-care and the benefits that come with it.

Solo dating develops a positive relationship with yourself.

But perhaps the most important benefit of solo dating is developing a positive relationship with yourself. When you prioritize solo dates, you’re sending a message to yourself that you’re worth investing time and energy into. And when you have a positive relationship with yourself, you’re more likely to attract positive relationships with others.

So, how do you start solo dating? Well, it’s pretty simple. Just think about what you enjoy doing and plan an intentional date around it. Maybe it’s trying a new restaurant, going to a movie by yourself, or taking a solo weekend trip. The possibilities are endless! And the next time someone asks “Have you done this before?”, you can say confidently that you have.

Remember that solo dating is about being kind, compassionate, and supportive of yourself. Don’t let your inner mean girl judge you or make you feel embarrassed about taking yourself out on a date.

You deserve to treat yourself and enjoy your own company.

Should you want to chat more about this topic, or any other topic related to love, let’s talk! You can schedule a call with me here.

Have you done this before…?

Apr 13, 2023




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