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 I'm Nicole - I’ve helped hundreds of successful, driven women, just like you, navigate through their personal relationships with themselves, as well as their romantic partnerships, to attract and keep lasting love.

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You might not agree with me, BUT I think looking at the upside of a break-up is important.

Celebrate it! I know, right now, that might sound impossible, but I promise you, one day you’ll look back and be grateful this happened.

Why? Because a relationship completing is often the first step toward your dreams, not away from them. It’s hard now. But it’s much better to face this now than to stay in the wrong relationship for months or years, or even end up co-parenting with someone who doesn’t share your vision for life.

The Upside of a Break-Up

Right now, you have an incredible opportunity in front of you. That heartbreak, anger, and frustration you’re feeling? You can channel it into something powerful. Instead of focusing on the pain of your last relationship ending, let’s turn that energy into creating the love life you truly deserve.

It’s Easier to Find the Right Man Than You Think

I know it might not feel like there ARE upsides of a break-up. But meeting a good, healthy man who is ready for a committed relationship doesn’t have to be hard. The key is having the right strategy. The women I coach meet men who are emotionally available, masculine, and ready for a real relationship.

How to Attract the Right Man – Step by Step

Now that you’ve focused on the upside of a break-up, you’re ready to turn things around and find the man you deserve. Here are the four pillars we focus on in my Confident in Love Intensive:

  • Love Blueprint – We’ll work together to clear out any old patterns or beliefs that may be holding you back. By understanding what’s worked and what hasn’t in your dating history, you’ll be able to build a new vision for love that aligns with your true desires.
  • Be Irresistible – We’ll tap into your confidence and feminine energy. This naturally attracts high-quality men who are ready for commitment. This isn’t about changing who you are. It’s about stepping into the most authentic version of yourself and radiating the energy that draws in the right partner.
  • Aligned Action – I’ll help you take specific, intentional steps toward meeting emotionally available men who are serious about relationships. Whether it’s refining your online dating profile or approaching dating with more clarity and purpose, you’ll know exactly what to do to attract men who align with your relationship goals.
  • Cultivate Connection – Once you’ve met someone who sparks your interest, we’ll focus on building a deep emotional connection. You’ll learn how to foster a relationship that’s based on mutual respect, trust, and shared values. This sets the foundation for long-term love.

Here’s what one of my recent clients said about her experience:

“When I first met Nicole, I was confused and frustrated with dating. I couldn’t understand why my date prospects were so minimal and it felt like dating was a horrible experience to go through rather than the fun and hopeful experience it had been in the past. I had written a list of the type of man that would be my dream. Within weeks into the program I met him and we have the most fulfilling relationship I have ever had.” Lorri G.

Ready to Find the Right Man?

If you’re done with the frustration and ready to find a healthy, lasting relationship, I’m here to help. My private coaching is designed to give you the tools, guidance, and support you need to meet your ideal partner.

Together, we’ll focus on healing and clarifying your vision for love. As well, taking the right steps toward finding the relationship you deserve.

Within just a few short weeks, you could be in the beginning stages of an incredible new relationship. A relationship with a man who truly sees you and is ready for commitment. If you want to learn more about how this coaching can work for you, click the link to book a call with me.

You may also enjoy some of these other blog posts here: Getting Attached Too Soon, The Effect of Putting Someone on a Pedestal, or What Men Want From Women.

The Upside of a Break-Up

Dec 31, 2024




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 I'm Nicole - I’ve helped hundreds of successful, driven women, just like you, navigate through their personal relationships with themselves, as well as their romantic partnerships, to attract and keep lasting love.

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