What do men want from women in a relationship? Sometimes we have no idea! We think men are a complicated riddle to figure out. But understanding men doesn’t have to be hard.
As women, we know we want to feel loved and cherished in a relationship, and we assume that’s easy enough to translate, but it can be difficult to determine what a man wants in return.
If you’ve ever caught yourself wondering what his body language is saying, what he meant by that smile, why he reacted the way he did, or how to possibly understand what he wants, remember, not to complicate things. It’s perfectly normal to have some unanswered questions when it comes to men.
Understanding men doesn’t have to be hard though.

What Men Want From Women in a Relationship
1. Men Want To Be Loved
Sometimes it can feel like men don’t care about love or relationships, but the truth is that they crave love just as much as women do…just sometimes in different ways. Showing that you care in the way that he feels cared for is one of the best things you can do to keep a relationship balanced and fulfilling. That might take learning how he feels loved. For instance, while you might feel loved when he listens to your stories and buys you flowers, he might not care about either of those things. He might feel loved when you go on a walk together or cuddle while watching a movie. Show him that you want, enjoy, and appreciate him enough to love him the way he feels loved is sure ways to make a lasting relationship.
2. Men Cannot Be Forced Into Commitment
Not only is it impossible to make a man happily commit to something he’s not ready to commit to, but forcing him into something is a great way to lose him. True commitment must be genuine in order for it to last, so while you might be ready for a lifelong commitment, remember that he might not be. Don’t think that pressuring a man into something will make him want to do it. Most likely it will end up causing problems and complications.
3. Men Are Not Perfect
You’re not perfect and neither is anyone else – that even includes the man of your dreams. Understanding and having grace for someone’s flaws, weaknesses, and limitations is one of the best ways to truly love them and make a relationship work. Rather than finding a man’s habits annoying or his inabilities frustrating, learn to accept them as part of who he is. Develop patience and willingness to work with his quirkiness. Don’t assume you can change him, and don’t think that he’s doing something just to annoy you. Remember that he’s unique, and so are you!
If you’re feeling confused about past relationships, current boyfriends, or men in general, I can help you! I promise you that understanding men doesn’t have to be hard.
Get started today by booking a complimentary Let’s Talk Love Call: nicoletalkslove.com/consult
What Men Want From Women in a Relationship
Aug 13, 2022
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