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Know How to Respond When He’s Unsure, Confusing, or Pulling Away 

The #1 mistake most women make (and what to do instead!)

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 I'm Nicole - I’ve helped hundreds of successful, driven women, just like you, navigate through their personal relationships with themselves, as well as their romantic partnerships, to attract and keep lasting love.

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How to know when you meet the right man can be a question with many layers. The biggest mistake that I see women make in dating is not qualifying men or not qualifying them thoroughly enough. This can lead to wasted time, unnecessary heartache, and ultimately being in the wrong relationship.

Many women fall into the trap of feeling attraction and chemistry with a man, having sex, and mistaking that initial spark for lasting love.

They then become attached to men they haven’t thoroughly assessed. This can result in unrequited love, being in a wrong relationship, or even a wrong marriage.

This cycle is all too familiar for many women. They often wonder why it never seems to work out with any man. The key to breaking this pattern is to stop the chaos, protect your heart, and ensure that you choose the right man and relationship the next time around. This involves dating in a safe, smart, and effective way.

Instead of diving headfirst into a relationship based solely on attraction and chemistry, it is essential to qualify potential partners first.

This means taking the time to assess whether a man can meet your needs and align with your values before becoming emotionally invested.

Just because you feel attracted to someone doesn’t necessarily mean they are the right fit for you. By qualifying men early on, you can avoid getting attached to someone who isn’t worth your time and energy.

If you agree that qualifying men first is crucial for attracting the right partner, then it may be time to take this work further.

Here are some great questions to ask yourself after each date:

Things to consider when you meet the right man:

  1. What aspects of myself did they evoke?
  2. How did my body feel during the date – tense, at ease, or in between?
  3. Is there something intriguing about them that piques my curiosity?
  4. Did they make me laugh?
  5. Do I feel more energized or drained compared to before the date?
  6. Did I feel listened to and understood?
  7. Was I drawn or attracted to their presence?
  8. Did I feel engaged, bored, or somewhere in the middle?

Investing in yourself and your dating journey can lead to a greater sense of satisfaction in your love life.

If you’re ready to break the cycle of dating the wrong men, I invite you to schedule a free Let’s Talks Love call with me. Together, we can explore your dating patterns, identify areas for growth, and create a plan for finding the love you deserve.

Don’t let past mistakes dictate your future relationships. Take control of your dating life and start on the path towards lasting love.

How to Know When You Meet the Right Man

Mar 24, 2024




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 I'm Nicole - I’ve helped hundreds of successful, driven women, just like you, navigate through their personal relationships with themselves, as well as their romantic partnerships, to attract and keep lasting love.

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  • Why men say, "I don’t know what I want"—and what it really means
  • Exact scripts & responses to handle his uncertainty with confidence
  • The #1 mistake most women make (and what to do instead!)
  • How to know when to wait, and when to walk away—for good

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How to Respond When He’s Unsure, Confusing, or Pulling Away –
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    Discover in this free guide:

    • Why men say, "I don’t know what I want"—and what it really means
    • How to know when to wait, and when to walk away—for good
    • Exact scripts & responses to handle his uncertainty with confidence
    • The #1 mistake most women make (and what to do instead!

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