Have you ever noticed those women who seem to draw men to them like bees to honey? Those gals that, without effort, have men dropping for them left and right?
And, to add insult to injury, they seem to be having fun while doing it!
If your mind immediately went to what they might have that you don’t…stop right there! This isn’t about comparison – you are beautiful, smart and successful.
So, why aren’t you attracting more high-quality men?
Well, while men certainly appreciate beauty, smarts, and ambition…deep down we all want to be able to kick back and have fun with the person we choose to spend our life with.
In fact…one of the most common traits men say they want in a woman is “FUN!”. You’ve probably noticed this while reading dating profiles!
Here are a four simple strategies that are really effective when it comes to attracting great guys and having fun along the way:
#1: Channel your Dating Energy into Having A BLAST
As we get older, it’s easy to get kind of serious and less spontaneous. You may even look at dating as “husband-hunting”. Men can feel this energy from you and will put a damper on your dating experience! Instead of approaching dating with such a serious mindset, approach it with the intention of having a ton of fun and getting to know various people along the way!
Look for guys who want to try new things. Go on dates that sound exciting and make your heart race. On those first few dates, let go of any pressure and expectations and go simply to have a good time. Men love being around women who know how to enjoy themselves and have fun!
#2: No Bashing Other Women Or Men
Don’t waste any time on your dates bashing previous boyfriends, other women or anyone. Doing so will make you appear unconfident and negative. This type of toxic behaviour translates into being insecure – the opposite of the most desired trait men are looking for in a woman. Negative comments can kill the mood quickly, so be intentional with your words!
#3: Dress for Comfort
Whatever you choose to wear, make sure it’s something comfortable! Wearing clothes that feel tight, restricting, inflexible or that you have to adjust constantly will drive you crazy and make you less likely to have a good time. A stiff or uncomfortable outfit won’t just be a distraction – it will also make you less spontaneous if a fun opportunity or idea comes up! Feeling worried about your clothes also makes it harder to be confident and feminine. So dress comfortably to feel like yourself and be able to focus on having fun with your date.
#4: Skip the Drinks and Stay Present
A drink over dinner is fine, but you don’t need alcohol to have fun! When you rely on alcohol to relax or have a good time you may start believing that you can’t be yourself without sipping on something. Instead, start to trust in yourself – you are enough, just the way you are – even in those awkward moments!
Remember, he wants to get to know YOU…the real you. You are sexy, attractive, confident, and fun!
At the end of the day, relax. Be yourself. Let go of pressure and expectations. Allow yourself to have fun with dating and getting to know great guys.
Be present. Be your authentic self. And HAVE FUN!
Now, shoot me an email at info@nicoletalkslove.com (I answer each message personally!) and let me know how you’re going to inject some FUN into your dating life.
Remember – in order to create something you’ve never had, you need to do something you’ve never done!
Four Strategies to Attract High-Quality Men + Bring Fun Back to Dating
May 12, 2022
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