Nicole's Insights

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"I just don't understand men!" - I have heard this from a LOT of women. Take the guesswork out of understanding men with this free guide today. 

Men Wish You Knew This


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 I'm Nicole - I’ve helped hundreds of successful, driven women, just like you, navigate through their personal relationships with themselves, as well as their romantic partnerships, to attract and keep lasting love.

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What a man wants in a woman may not be what you think.

It is a trait that will pique a man’s interest within seconds.

He won’t be able to get you off his mind.

Suddenly he will be focusing on you and only you.

Any other “maybe” woman in his life will suddenly leave his mind completely.

Take a moment to think about it.

Here’s a little hint:

It is NOT perfect curves and big boobs.

Or a prestigious career.

Or even how you perform in the bedroom.

The fact is, the #1 thing a high-quality man is looking for in a woman has nothing to do with her perfect body or whether or not she drives a tesla…

The real trait that grabs a man’s attention and keeps him riveted on you is


Yep. It’s true.

What a man wants in a woman is a woman who stands in her feminine power with confidence.

“Really, Nicole? Men would take confidence over a sexy body?”

100% yes!!!!


Because confidence is incredibly, beautifully, knock-em dead SEXY.

Extraordinary men know their value and hold themselves high, and they are looking for a woman who knows hers as well.

They know a confident woman can hold her own. She won’t be insecure or need constant validation to feel good about herself. The kind of woman he is looking for doesn’t NEED a man to feel important or beautiful.

What a man wants in a woman is CONFIDENCE and 3 key beliefs:

  1. I AM a prize to be won! I don’t need to convince anyone of my value. The right man will see it with his own two eyes and will recognize me as a prize to be won. I don’t need to convince a man to stay with me. Any man who leaves isn’t right for me and doesn’t deserve to be with me.
  2. I love and respect good men. I have resolved past pain with male figures in my life. I recognize that despite any bad experiences I have had with guys, there are plenty of good men in the world and they deserve to be respected just as I expect them to respect me.
  3. I am strong enough to walk away from relationships that aren’t right for me. I do not cling to men. I am not desperate. I am ready to wait for the right man and am not afraid to walk away from the wrong one

Confidence is the “X-factor” all good men are looking for.

Do you have it?

Or do you feel like you have it once in a while and then it feels as if love slips away??

You see, a high-quality man realizes his own value and is looking for a woman who realizes hers as well. He knows that a confident woman isn’t going to be insecure or need constant validation and approval. Because ain’t nobody got time for that! (Including you!)

It’s what makes the difference between him wanting a fling, or a long-term, committed relationship.

It’s the bridge that takes a man from somewhat interested, to madly, head over heels CRAZY about you.

So I just have one question. Do you have the “X-factor”???

If you want to discover what is keeping you from expressing your full feminine confidence, break through your limiting beliefs and learn exactly what to do to attract a high-quality man, schedule a FREE one-on-one Let’s Talk Love Call with me here!

Let’s dive deep into your “confidence blocks” and discover how to nourish and strengthen your feminine power! I have a few openings on my calendar and I would LOVE for you to be one of them!

Schedule your call here!

If you’re serious about changing the results in your love life…then it’s time to roll up your sleeves and turn up the volume in your confidence!

The high-quality man of your dreams isn’t just going to fall in your lap!

But I promise you, he IS out there! And he’s learning how to attract you, too.

I look forward to meeting you soon.

In the meantime, check out a few of my other blog posts: Why you keep attracting the wrong man, Is his lack of commitment about you?, and Empower Yourself.

Believe it or not, this is what a man wants in a woman

Jan 18, 2023




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 I'm Nicole - I’ve helped hundreds of successful, driven women, just like you, navigate through their personal relationships with themselves, as well as their romantic partnerships, to attract and keep lasting love.

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5 Things Men Wish You Knew About Them

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